Understanding Flexibility From A Neurological Standpoint With A Johns Creek GA Stretch Practitioner
By Donna Beley It is good to be flexible given that this important function can make you feel far more athletic and healthy and it can also stave off pain and injuries. If your muscles have been feeling tight, you may think that the best way to loosen them is by stretching. This is called mechanical tightness and even though it is common, you may be dealing with another form of muscle tightness instead. One other common type of tightness is neurological tightness. If you are struggling to loosen your body and muscles, you should meet with a stretch practitioner to better understand whether your lack of flexibility is neurological. Understanding Neurological Tightness When the muscles are contracted and must be extended, this is known as mechanical tightness. It often happens following exercise or when the muscles have been overworked. Completing a normal stretching routine can actually relieve this type of tightness. On the other hand, neurological tightness in a musc...