Electromagnetic Therapy For Horses & 4 Steps Toward Equine Nutrition

By Robin Setser

Horse owners know that nutrition is paramount. If your animal friend isn't getting the vitamins and minerals they need, they won't benefit from the highest quality of life imaginable. Fortunately, getting your horse the nutrition they need isn't as challenging as it seems. Anyone that specializes in equine practices like PEMF treatment for horses can agree. These are 4 of the most important things that you should know about nutrition.

When it comes to equine nutrition, companies such as Assisi Animal Health will tell you that water is most important. As a result, you should make sure that your pet has access to water in large amounts. This is especially true when you consider that horses are regularly active, meaning that they have to make up for any hydration that's lost. This is where water comes into play, but it's only one of many factors that make up the larger picture.

Another important nutrient that horses require is protein. This is needed for the sake of energy and building muscle, which means that equine should have access to it as well. Failure to provide a protein source can result in such problems as sore or aching muscles, which could be helped with PEMF therapy for animals. Given that this method is noninvasive, it's no wonder why veterinarians would recommend it.-

Next, let's discuss specific vitamins that horses need. Vitamins A and E seem to be the most important, seeing as how equine cannot produce them on their own. This is why hay is one of the common elements of any horse's diet. You won't have to worry about vitamin C, however, as horses can synthesize this on their own. These are just a few things that you should know about vitamins, as they relate to equine nutrition.

Now that you have a general understanding of equine nutrition building blocks, it might be worth covering the topic of treats. Dogs and cats are often given these, but did you know that they can be given to horses as well? Some products are better than others for this reason, too. Fruits and vegetables like apples, strawberries, and celery are safe. Sugar and hay cubes are good to use, provided they aren't given in large amounts. Simply put, don't place too much focus on treats. They may interfere with a nutrient-rich diet.

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