Steroids have an impact on memory
Steroids have an impact on memory Steroids have an impact on memory : People who take steroids to improve their muscle growth and sports performance are much more likely to experience memory problems, according to research from Northumbria University [1] . Some bodybuilders - such as bodybuilders and weightlifters - estimate that 38% of them take steroids. Dr. Tom Heffernan of the Department of Psychology at the University sought to examine whether the long-term use of high doses of anabolic androgenic steroids in a sporting context could affect everyday memory. He evaluated almost 100 men between the ages of 18 and 30 who were regulars in sports halls. Half of them had taken steroids but not the other half. The results of the study revealed that those who took steroids had significant deficiencies in the functioning of prospective and retrospective memory, as well as in executive mental functioning compared to people who did not. Steroid users were 39% more lik...
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