Steroids have an impact on memory

Steroids have an impact on memory
Steroids have an impact on memory
Steroids have an impact on memory: People who take steroids to improve their muscle growth and sports performance are much more likely to experience memory problems, according to research from Northumbria University [1].

Some bodybuilders - such as bodybuilders and weightlifters - estimate that 38% of them take steroids. Dr. Tom Heffernan of the Department of Psychology at the University sought to examine whether the long-term use of high doses of anabolic androgenic steroids in a sporting context could affect everyday memory.

He evaluated almost 100 men between the ages of 18 and 30 who were regulars in sports halls. Half of them had taken steroids but not the other half. The results of the study revealed that those who took steroids had significant deficiencies in the functioning of prospective and retrospective memory, as well as in executive mental functioning compared to people who did not.

Steroid users were 39% more likely to forget in terms of prospective memory - which is the process of remembering to do something planned in the future, such as not forgetting to pay an invoice before the ' Or take medication at a specific time.

They were also 28% more likely to forget to remember old memories or past events, which is known as retrospective memory, and showed a 32% difference in their mental functioning compared to non-users of steroids. Executive functioning is a term used to describe a number of cognitive processes that allow an individual to be attentive, coordinate information, and plan and perform tasks. Compromised executive functioning is likely to lead to confusion and poor planning of events, while a decreased prospective memory capacity leads to more duplication.

While a previous study by Harvard University found visuospatial memory deficits in long-term users of steroids, this study provides new evidence that explores the impact of taking steroids in a context Sports activities in the activities of everyday life.

Dr. Heffernan explained: "The non-medical use of anabolic androgenic steroids appeared in the 1960s when top athletes and bodybuilders began using these drugs to promote muscle growth and improve their performance levels Since the 1980s, millions of people around the world have already taken steroids in a sporting context, which has become much more widespread in amateur sports circles and off the competition circuit.

"Overall, the health risks of using steroids over the long term are rather well documented, but we now know more about what the daily consequences of their use may be." Our results show that taking androgenic steroids Long-term anabolic has an important impact on an individual's everyday memory and ability to remember.This can affect many spheres of life, including interpersonal, professional, educational, and health-related aspects, Given the omnipresent nature of everyday memories. "

References :
[1] The Open Psychiatry Journal, 2015, 9, 1-6 1 1874-3544 / 15 2015. Everyday Memory Deficits Associated with Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid Use in Regular Gymnasium Users. Thomas M. Heffernan, Lisa Battersby, Patricia Bishop, Terence S. O'Neill.

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  1. Yeah man, I also agree that steroids have an impact on memory, thats why I dont use them at all and think that its very bad not only for our memory, but for all organism generally. My friend recently had overdose of steroids and I recommended him to go to one very good clinic, and there doctor prescribed testosterone to him for improving his health.


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