Get muscle with bodybuilding science: Want to get muscle? As research is constantly evolving, it regularly brings new insights into the functioning of our muscles, and it may be time to throw away old bodybuilding tips that have become obsolete. What is the best way to train? The standard advice of the bodybuilders is to carry as much weight as you can during training sessions. But Stuart Phillips and his team at McMaster University of Canada have tested this method to discover that this is not necessarily the best way to build muscle. Instead, they suggest that slow, steady movements are more effective. In the Phillips study, men in their twenties performed squats with weights between 30 and 90% of the maximum they could lift. Phillips analyzed biopsies he performed on the thigh muscles before and after each training session. He discovered that the production of new muscle proteins was more important when subjects carried relatively light weights at 30% of their maximum ...
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