What is the best exercise to lose weight?

What is the best exercise to lose weight?
What is the best exercise to lose weight?
What is the best exercise to lose weight?: It will not surprise anyone to know that exercising is a way to lose weight [1]. However, the debate about the best type of exercise to achieve weight loss continues to divide opinion.

The choice that immediately comes to mind, and which seems most obvious to lose weight, is to exercise endurance exercise, which is usually performed at a moderate intensity but continuously. The argument is clear: this type of exercise spends more energy than a training of musculation.

Others will emphasize the importance of bodybuilding and its effects on the basic metabolic rate [2] (MB). A single strength training session can lead to a prolonged increase in basal metabolism that persists up to 48 hours after exercise. In addition, increases in basal metabolic rate were observed after 10 weeks of muscle training compared to endurance training, and this can help control its weight over the long term - at the cellular level, muscle tissue Is denser than the grease tissue and is, therefore, more "spending" when requested [3].

An alternative option is high-intensity interval training or "HIT". The exercise is performed at a low or moderate intensity but care is taken to incorporate short sessions at a very high intensity, often thoroughly. This type of training is considered more productive, takes less time and research shows [4] that this type of training brings beneficial and rapid changes in metabolic functioning and even a reduction in body fat [5]. ]. However, such exercises are probably unsustainable for most people because of their rather grueling explosive nature.

Other people can finally focus on increasing their daily activity in their everyday life: more gardening, walking, stairs, etc. Rather than engaging in structured exercise routines.

But the answer to the original question is quite simple. The best type of exercise to lose weight is the one that you will really do.

Most people will not persevere in a behavior of which he derives no pleasure. The motivations to lose weight are obvious [6], but human behavior is unpredictable when pleasure is involved. The optimal approach is probably to combine different types of exercises to draw the benefits of each. Besides that, some forms of conscious control of energy intake (diet) need to be taken into consideration as the reality for many individuals is that it will take a considerable volume of exercises to significantly disappear the body fat [7].

Weight loss caused by exercise also varies among individuals [8], with behavioral, biological and genetic factors that also play their role. However, judging exercise solely for its effects on body weight may prove to be detrimental given that exercise brings a plethora of other health benefits.

We are made to move and as such we must respect our genes or accept the consequences. No doubt we should stop focusing on the "optimal" approach of the exercise to find an approach that can be considered "fairly good".

References :
[1] Exercise for overweight or obesity. Shaw KA, Gennat HC, O'Rourke P, Del Mar C. The Cochrane Library.

[2] A Single Bout of Concentric Resistance Exercise Increases Basal Metabolic Rate 48 Hours After Exercise in Healthy 59-77-year-old Men. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci (1997) 52A (6): M352-M355.

[3] Concurrent resistance and endurance training influence basal metabolic rate in nondieting individuals. Brett A. Dolezal, Jeffrey A. Potteiger. Journal of Applied Physiology, 1998 Vol. 85 no. 2, 695-700

[4] Exerc Sport Sci Rev. 2008 Apr; 36 (2): 58-63. Metabolic adaptations to short-term high-intensity interval training: a little pain for a lot of gain? Gibala MJ1, McGee SL.

[5] International Journal of Obesity (2008) 32, 684-691; 2008. The effects of high-intensity intermittent exercise training on fat loss and fasting insulin levels of young women.

[6] The runaway weight gain train: too many accelerators, not enough brakes. BMJ, 2004; 329: 736.

[7] Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: 2011 - Volume 43 - Issue 7 - pp 1334-1359. Physiotherapy, Physiotherapy, and Neuromotor Physiotherapy in Adolescent and Adolescent Health

[8] Aerobic Exercise on Body Mass Regulation: Individual Variability and Compensatory Responses. British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Mark Hopkins, David Broom, David Stensel


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