Maximize the development of pectorals for a strong shape!

pectorals? It goes without saying that for a man, masculinity is a very important aspect of his life. And let's say, having good pectorals gives confidence to a man.
But how to promote the development of these muscles in an optimal way? Would it be better to train them more than other muscle groups? Let me answer these questions.
In order to understand how to highlight our pecs, we need to know first and foremost what could contribute to this objective. Many people think that the more muscle you train, the bigger it will become. In fact, they did not wrong. One must however ask oneself if the goal and make them grow or enhance them. In other words, what you really want is to have the large pectoral muscle very developed or to have a well-rounded chest and that our pectorals appear.
Too much is not enough!
I think I can say that objective # 1 is to have a bulging chest and that our pectoral muscles appear; They emerge. And here is where people often make mistakes. The primary objective is to make our pecs appear, as we have just said. Let's understand first and foremost that a muscle that gets stronger and bigger pulls on the joints where it is attached. So the longer a muscle is strong and fat, the more it will emit tension on its joints. In the muscles which allow having a well-developed chest (especially the large pectoral sternal portion) insertion is done on the humerus (bone of the arm) and on the sternum. The sternum being fixed and solid enough, you will understand that the pectoral major tends rather create tension on the humerus.
In this sense, an individual who develops a lot of his pectorals will create a shoulder winding as the muscle pulls more and more on the humerus (bone of the arm), creating an internal rotation of the latter (note that the pectoralis major is also Internal rotator). If the shoulders roll inwards, it goes without saying that the chest will appear smaller because the pectorals will be somehow hidden, closed on themselves. Thus, they will not appear developed, which is also the ultimate goal.
The beauty of balance
But how to maximize its development if you can not develop it too much, you will tell me. It is the beauty of the thing. The body is well designed and let's enjoy it. If we take up the concept that the stronger the muscle is, the more it pulls on its joints, we will solve the problem.
If this concept is good for the muscles of the chest like the pectorals, why could not it be for the muscles of the back? Look at the following.
If you want to bulge your chest, what are you going to do?
You're going to make it stand out.
And how are you going to do that?
Sending your shoulders backwards so that the chest emerges forward.
What makes it possible to send the shoulder backwards?
The contraction of the muscles of the upper back which allow an adduction of the shoulder blades and an external rotation of the humerus (rhomboids, trapezius superior-middle-inferior, small round, infra-spinous, subscapularis, etc.)
The secret for big pectorals: a strong and muscular back!
We now know that to put the pectoral muscles in the best possible value, you have to have a muscular back. Let us not forget, however, that symmetry is in order. It is important that the back is as strong as your pectorals and other push muscles without which there will be an imbalance that will appear to the eye and that will diminish the desired effect.
But do not think that the simple fact of developing his back will help to strengthen your chest. The development of the pectoral muscles will give a much more spectacular effect. Keep in mind that your pecs are the superstar and that your back muscles are the ones that will enhance your superstar.
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