
Showing posts from April, 2017

For more toned muscles!

For more toned muscles! For more toned muscles!: Wearing heavy weights makes you bigger and bulkier, at least that's what you're taught. This is why many women (and some men) who want to stay or become thin, while maintaining a toned physique, opt for lighter weights, but with more repetitions per series. However, this notion is not confirmed by science. Producing voluminous muscles requires not only heavyweights but also a higher caloric intake, typically beyond the 2000 calories per day usually recommended for normal adults. For individuals who raise weights to be toned and slim, experts say, a program that includes a combination of heavy weights and few repetitions can significantly help. In a 2002 study, scientists investigated what happens when women perform different resistance exercises with different weights and repetitions (85% of their maximum capacity for 8 repetitions versus 45% of their strength for 15 repetitions). The subjects who carried more weigh...

Bigger muscles are not always more effective

Bigger muscles are not always more effective Bigger muscles are not always more effective: The big sculpted muscles of bodybuilders, some movie stars and gym players can make them look like cartoon superheroes. We tend to associate big muscles with more strength and power. But research has found that at the cellular level, the well-defined big muscles of bodybuilders do not perform so well against those of power athletes (such as weightlifters, powerlifters or sprinters, sports that require important forces to be rapidly developed ) And even against individuals who do not train at all. This research, published in Experimental Physiology, was carried out on individual muscle cells taken from a group of volunteers comprising 12 bodybuilders, six athletic athletes and 14 control subjects (medium, physically active but not training With weights). This directed research, by Hans Degens of the University of Manchester, stimulated the cells and assessed the size and rapidity of the fo...

Beliefs about food and health

Beliefs about food and health Beliefs about food and health: When it comes to knowing what certain foods are doing about you, it is probably best to take advice from the grandmother, family or a so-called popular wisdom with tweezers! Many of these councils are fictional or have been accepted ideas that have been refuted with the accumulation of knowledge and research over the years. Here are a few examples. Fish is the food of the brain Many long-term studies have found a correlation between better cognition and consumption of fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as DHA. But this is not a miracle cure, you are not going to have a higher score in an IQ test or better work on a project because you ate fish the day before. This is a long-term process. So the longer you start, the better. The best sources of omega-3, which promote optimal brain function, are oil-rich fish such as salmon, yellowfin tuna, mackerel, sardines and herring. Lean fish, which are mostly on plates, a...

Exercise does more good if you believe

Exercise does more good if you believe Exercise does more good if you believe: Everyone knows that exercise is supposed to be good for health, but the belief that exercise will have a positive effect is more important to our well-being than exercise itself? Psychologist Hendrik Mothes at the University of Friborg and his research team conducted a study showing that test subjects derive more from the psychological and neurophysiological benefits of exercise if you already have a mindset or a priori positive for the sport. In addition, the research team has proven that individuals can influence positively or negatively on it before starting exercise. The researchers invited 76 men and women between the ages of 18 and 32 in their research laboratory where they had to practice sport for 30 minutes on an ergometer. The participants were first separated into different groups and saw one of the films that praised the positive effects on the health of the bike or rented nothing at al...

Making muscle without heavy weights

Making muscle without heavy weights Making muscle without heavy weights: An analysis published in Applied Physiology, Nutrition & Metabolism states that muscle building with moderate intensity, but with more repetition, could be as effective in building muscle as wearing heavy weights. "The point of view developed in this analysis highlights the fact that other muscle training protocols, beyond the highly discussed (and shared) high-intensity training , can be as effective in terms of Stimulate a muscle building reaction, and that can translate into a muscle development, and therefore an increase in their volume, after a strength training, "says author Nicholas Burd. "These findings have important implications for public health, because skeletal muscle mass is an important contributor to daily energy expenditure and contributes to body weight management. , Muscle mass, because of its overall size and volume, is the main site of use of blood sugar, and there...

Get muscle with bodybuilding science

Get muscle with bodybuilding science: Want to get muscle? As research is constantly evolving, it regularly brings new insights into the functioning of our muscles, and it may be time to throw away old bodybuilding tips that have become obsolete. What is the best way to train? The standard advice of the bodybuilders is to carry as much weight as you can during training sessions. But Stuart Phillips and his team at McMaster University of Canada have tested this method to discover that this is not necessarily the best way to build muscle. Instead, they suggest that slow, steady movements are more effective. In the Phillips study, men in their twenties performed squats with weights between 30 and 90% of the maximum they could lift. Phillips analyzed biopsies he performed on the thigh muscles before and after each training session. He discovered that the production of new muscle proteins was more important when subjects carried relatively light weights at 30% of their maximum ...

Light weights as effective as heavy weight

Light weights as effective as heavy weight Light weights as effective as heavy weight: Research by McMaster University questions the traditional wisdom of strength training by showing that lifting lighter weights many times is as effective as lifting heavy weights with less repetition.  This study is not the first to come to this conclusion since 2010, contradicting the old messages widely resumed in the gyms that say that the best way to build muscle is to lift the heaviest weights possible. "Fatigue is the big leveling element here," says study author Stuart Phillips. "Lifting weights to the point of exhaustion changes the grid because the weight is heavy or light makes no difference." The researchers recruited two groups of men for this study, all of whom were accomplished weightlifters or bodybuilders, who followed a full-body training protocol for 12 weeks. One group raised light weights (up to 50% of their maximum strength) for series with 20 to 25...

Which exercises burn the most calories?

Which exercises burn the most calories? Which exercises burn the most calories?: Researchers at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) have calculated the actual energy expenditure of various training programs, including both an aerobic and anaerobic contribution. The results of their study, obtained from the Laboratory of the Group of Research of Physiology of Exercise in the Faculty of Sciences for Sport and Physical Activity (INEF) of the UPM, found that the exercise of endurance which Is interleaved in a training circuit of strength training exercises increases the oxygen consumption and the energy expenditure compared to a conventional training circuit. Besides that, the training protocol that burned the most calories was a protocol that required less effort on the part of the participants, although all the protocols had the same duration and intensity. These results can help design programs with different types of energy-equivalent exercises, which will allow accur...

Does bodybuilding block the growth of children or adolescents?

Does bodybuilding block the growth of children or adolescents? What does it mean to "block growth"? The soft cartilage areas near the termination of a growing bone fix its shape and possible length. These cartilaginous regions are called epiphyseal growth plates. When you stop growing, the epiphyseal growth plates in your bones harden and become functionally identical to the rest of your bone tissue. When an older adolescent approaches the end of puberty, the strength of the growth plates of his bones is often less than the strength of his ligaments. This is especially true for younger people who are engaged in bodybuilding training activities such as bodybuilding or weightlifting. If an adult with completely hard bones, i.e. bones that will not grow anymore, undergoes an unfortunate accident, this could cause a sufficiently strong stress on the joint to cause injury to the ligament. When a teenager is involved in the same kind of accident, and the epiphyseal gro...

The dips or repulsions to the parallel bars

The dips or repulsions to the parallel bars The dips or repulsions to the parallel bars:   What are the dips and why? Dips are definitely one of the bodybuilding exercises at the most effective body weight to take muscle mass at the upper body and especially at the pectoral muscles (lower part) and triceps. This exercise requires having parallel bars or a Roman chair if possible adjustable in order to realize the movement. How do I make dips to parallel bars? Choose a device that allows you to have your arms extended with a gap slightly greater than the width of the shoulders in order to allow the body to move. Stretch your arms without locking your elbows. Slowly lower your body, releasing the muscles of your arms and shoulders slightly. Continue to descend until you feel the stretch at the shoulder joint. If you use a neutral or supine plug, your elbows will point backwards. If you use the pronation, they will spread outward. With the bars forming an angle of 45 °...

The 2 variants of the pulls to the fixed bar to muscle the back

The 2 variants of the pulls to the fixed bar to muscle the back The 2 variants of the pulls to the fixed bar to muscle the back:  Pronation and supination are often considered to be the same exercise. However, they are two distinct movements that involve different muscle groups. Specifically, supine traction (chin-up) emphasizes the biceps and the lower part of the backbones, while pull-ups are used primarily for the upper part of the backbones. How to make pull-ups or pulls in pronation? To get started, place yourself under the bar and make sure your arms are tight and your body is relaxed. Pull with your arms to bring your chin up or over your hands. Descend slowly to the starting position and repeat the movement for the required number of repetitions. Inhale deeply and exhale as you go up. Breathe in down again. 2 training tips To increase strength (which is not necessary in most cases if all outlets are used), you can add an additional load to the feet or th...

Creatine: Safety, Benefits, and How It Works

Creatine: Safety, Benefits, and How It Works: Creatine. It is the most well known, as well as the most studied supplement in the industry right behind whey. There are studies going back decades with pretty conclusive evidence that points to creatine being extremely safe. But if creatine has so many studies, then why does it have so much opposition? My opinion is that most opposition is due to a lack of understanding. Average people do not understand creatine. When a 12 year old boy wants to start lifting weights and tells their mom they want to buy a magical powder that will make him big and strong, his mom is absolutely correct to worry. After all, something that makes you build muscle and strength is probably a steroid, right? Possibly. But that is not what creatine does. Is Creatine a Steroid? The short answer: Absolutely not. To understand why creatine is not a steroid, you must first understand what a steroid actually is. What are Steroids? Why is it that males are alm...