What You Need To Know About HCG Allowed Food
By Angela Turner The HCG diet is currently taking the world by storm. At first glance, this seems like a very rigorous program and one that takes an incredible amount of willpower. In reality, however, there is a lot of HCG allowed food that dieters can munch on, even as they continue to drop incredible amounts of weight. It is important to note, however, that planning is actually very important to this process. Following is everything you need to know before getting started with this popular fat loss plan. Dieters are able to succeed on this regimen due to the fact that they are receiving regular injections of a special, pregnancy hormone that actually curbs their appetites and expedites their metabolic functioning. As such, they are able to eat a lot less and burn more fats and calories throughout the day. This is why there is very little willpower needed. The injections will keep you from suffering intense hunger pangs even as you drastically cut your food portions. On sp...